Talk:Mike Townsend/Archive

From Blaseball Wiki

Mike's Time in the Shadows

Now that Mike is back, time for a lore update! Here is what we have so far:

The beginnings of Townsend's time in the shadows were difficult. In exchange for Jaylen Hotdogfingers return, a part of himself was left in the void, and thus was unable to participate in blaseball. He was reported to have haunted the Big Garage during Season 7, slowly gaining more of his form, guiding team mates when he could. In Season 8, Townsend had enough of his form back to resume baking, and team members of the Garages could occasionally perceive him. Quack Enjoyable was the first to report Townsend's presence after finding him baking bread in the abandoned Planera Bread one day. Enjoyable claimed they weren't aware there was anything wrong with Townsend. Other notable faces seen entering and exiting the Planera Bread include Allison Abbott, Betsy Trombone, and allegedly Arturo Huerta.

During Season 9, Townsend was approached by the newly shadowed Terrell Bradley about starting a restaurant together, Dad's Grill. Townsend would bake the buns, Bradley would cook the meats, and everyone would be happy. Townsend agreed and the two went on to create one of the cornerstones of the Big Garage, the Seattle Shadows Co-op.

Half way through Season 9, star pitcher Jaylen Hotdogfingers flickered to the Moist Talkers, sending Ortiz Morse to the team. Morse took to hanging around Dad's Grill, finding comfort in the homely atmosphere and the company Townsend and Bradley provided. Shortly after the loss of the post season playoffs, Morse confided in them that he wanted to pursue other things, put more time into his Smash Mouth cover band, Moist Mouth, but he wasn't sure how to go about it. Townsend commiserated and offered to take his spot on the roster. The two made the deal official, though it's unclear how, and Townsend was added to the Season 10 roster. There was an outpouring of support from fans and blaseball players alike, happy to see Townsend's return to the team.

During his time in the Seattle Shadows Co-op, Townsend encountered an unusual phenomenon where people would refuse to recognize him as Mike Townsend, instead marveling at how similar he looks to the famous Seattle Garages player, Mike Townsend. This has since carried over into his post shadows life. It has been speculated that this has caused some existential confusion, but when asked, Townsend has stated he finds the whole thing amusing.

Comments and suggestions are appreciated! StarNavigator (talk) 07:33, 12 October 2020 (UTC)