Talk:Emblem Warhorse

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Hey, welcome to the talk page! If you're here to make a Patron, go wild! Here are a few suggested talking points if you find yourself struggling for content:

-How did they become a patron of The Emblem Warhorse?

-How do they fit in at the bar?

-Where do they wear their emblem?

-Any fun hobbies?

-Drink of choice? (doesn't have to be alcoholic)

Have fun! If you'd like a community to spitball ideas at, come join us on maincord.


IRMS: Fammy and War + TROJAN_WRHS + Lemon Lime

Peaksykid (talkcontribs)

Three IRM entries for Patrons of the Emblem Warhorse!

Lemon Lime:

  • she/her pronouns
  • Bubbly personality, has dyed hair, fuzzy leg warmers, and green lipstick
  • Tends to hit flyouts
  • Party girl and aspiring music producer, comes to the bar to dance or to pregame a rave
  • Wears a lot of kandi and trades it with others, emblem is a kandi bracelet that the bar may or may not have made for her
  • Often responsible for introducing new Patrons to the bar, as she likes to invite her friends to events
  • Became a Patron when she walked in and saw another Patron (Jon the wrestler) wearing the kandi bracelet she'd made for them
  • Moved to Seattle from Berlin, allegedly had a single that went top 10 in Europe, constantly complains that the raves here are boring, and yet seems to always have a fun time at them? Really makes you think
  • It's heavily implied that her music career isn't going well because she's not working on it at all and is just partying.
  • Her drink is a mojito

Fammy and War:

"Fammy" or Famine is a well-fed but perpetually hungry three-legged basset hound and War is an irritable and standoffish grey cat who only sits on counters and never walks on the ground. They are best friends and were rescued together, and are the mascots for a fundraiser drive for local animal shelters held by the Emblem Warhorse every year.


TROJAN (they/them) is a digital program being from Dark Seattle who was originally intended to shut down the Darkside equivalent of the Emblem Warhorse, the "hot tub club"/pinball arcade Warhorse Emblem, but got really, really lost, and figured their directive was completed when they arrived at the Emblem Warhorse and found no pinball machines in sight. They are working on finding a new purpose for themselves and discovering what they like independently from their origin, and are training as a bartender under Madame and Emmie. They are friends with Oliver Notarobot, who has given them advice on standing up for themselves, and they play the tambourine.

Emblem Lore + Patron IRM

StarryNavigator (talkcontribs)

Emblem Lore happened today! Here's what we came up with:

Emblem Warhorse is a collective of people who have been chosen to be a part of the Emblem of the Warhorse, which are patrons chosen by The Emblem Warhorse, a bar in town. They hang out at the bar and are a generally close knit group. Some participate in the motorcycle gang by the same name, others play in the Emblem Warhorse band, some are just there to vibe. It is unclear how each player is chosen for that days game, as patrons have given differing reports. Each Warhorse must display the Emblem someone on their person, otherwise anyone is capable of joining/being chosen. Quadruped are forbidden, however. (Though that's never stopped them.) The IRM will cover the various patrons and title holders of the Emblem Warhorse moniker.

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