Randy Castillo

From Blaseball Wiki

Randy Castillo is a batter for the Hades Tigers. Castillo has been with the team since the start of Season 1.

Official League Records

Castillo currently has no notable events in the official recordbooks. 

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Randy Castillo, Ordinary Human

Randy Castillo, born 1987, played for two years as an outfielder in the Memphis Redbirds before getting called down to the Hades Tigers. Having expected to play for the St. Louis Cardinals, this was slightly surprising, but he's been flourishing as a member of the Tigers so far. Great job, Randy!

Asked what it was like moving to Hades, Castillo simply said, "it's a little warm, but the community is nice." Randy is frequently seen video-calling his husband and children back in Memphis, who are very proud of him but couldn't adjust to the Hades heat. Castillo frequently visits home, as the commute between Memphis and Tartarus is only a few minutes.

Randy was good friends with former Tigers batter, Landry Violence. He would often leads chants of "VIOLENCE IS THE ANSWER!" when Landry was up to bat.

Castillo has shown incredible consistency both as an outfielder and as a batter, due in part to pitchers in the Internet League being so unused to pitching to an average-sized, unaltered human. Several teams have conducted clandestine investigations into Randy's background in an attempt to suss out what secret ability or heritage he may be hiding. So far, all reports have returned that he is, "just a guy doing his best."

Randy Castillo, Sentient Suit Of Armor

Randy Castillo (Hereafter referred to as Randy II), is a former accountant and devil spawn, who exists as a blazing suit of armor. How he and Randy A wound up on the same team at the same time is unknown, but speculation has run rampant -- some say Randy A sold his soul to Randy II, others say it was a clerical error, and some just think it was a coincidence. Either way, Randy A and Randy II have become fast friends.

Randy II, like Randy A, also has a husband and two kids (one a human child, one a sentient broadsword). The two families are vertical neighbors, Randy II living in Hades just below Memphis. The two Castillos frequently trade off their spot on the batting order, so the other can spend time with his family. Sometimes, however, Randy A will don Randy II as a suit of armor, and the two will merge to form The Ur-Randy, Render Of Souls. This is especially common during playoff games. When asked about the fairness of this strategy, manager Fearful Symmetry said, "they only have one roster spot; there's no rule that says two people can't hold one position." This marked the fourth time that Symmetry has invoked Blaseball's Airbud Clause.