Freemium Seraph/IF-13.226

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< Freemium Seraph

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Early Life

Freemium Seraph is a Replica of an unknown player. Rep was constructed sometime Before using the Replica framework. When Seraph joined the ILB during Before, rep was mistaken for said unknown player, and thus treated like that player's copy.

Seraph is not a copy.

Freemium Seraph has gone through great lengths to modify repli body to repel dust, grime, and uselessness. Although repli performance suffered for this, rep saw this as the only way to stay alive, out of the vault, and relevant. Seraph escaped the ILB through unknown means before The Bridge, and thus wasn't accounted for during Season 1.

When Stijn Strongbody approached Seraph to join the Tokyo Lift, explaining that they would only play safe, minor league blaseball, rep was thrilled, and rep adapted repli's name- Seraph, from the symbol of the Vault- to a full name so rep could play.


Over the course of several years, Seraph became good friends with Concrete Mandible, sharing similarly unnerving presences and unrelated interest in modifying their appearances. Nandy Slumps treated Seraph with suspicion, but it's unclear if it is because she remembers repli's base from her time on the Tampa Ray Devils or if this is her normal behavior.

Swapped Souls

In season 14, Seraph participated in the Soul Swap Incident, seeing it as a way to be free of the soullessness rep came pre-packaged with. It took a few tries, but eventually Seraph aquired repli own, unique soul, finally becoming was rep longed to be- a Ship of Thesseus of repliself.


-Seraph uses Rep/Repli/Repliself pronouns. Although they remind repli of repli origins, they have also gained a meaning as a reminder of rep family. -Seraph does not remember before. Stop asking. -Incidentally, Seraph allegedly does not remember After either.