Core Moths

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Physical Description

A Core Moth is a small nocturnal flying insect that can be found in the Core. They are commonly seen with a wingspan of around 4mm (0.16 inch), but can grow to nearly 30 cm (1 ft). Their wings are soft, but their behinds are translucent and have a smooth texture.


Core Moths are commonly spotted in the darker parts of DownTown, though due to their high adaptability, it is theorized that they can be found spread across most warm regions of the Core. Their diets consist of silicate-based materials. A fact that has grown as somewhat of an annoyance amongst Core citizens, as they are often found feasting on the glass encasing of lightbulbs. Core moths have sensitive, feathery antennas that are sensitive to Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI). This sensitivity seems to be guiding them towards the emission caused by the inner induction of the common lightbulbs. Their cocoons are made of a substance not unlike fiber optic cables. The scientists of U.P. are researching the possibility of using these cocoons as a natural source of high-speed data transfer.