Kline Greenlemon/IF-1667

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< Kline Greenlemon

Revision as of 04:54, 9 June 2021 by NautALoid (talk | contribs) (Added random pronoun table to both IRM entries)

Rumor / Community Lore
This article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community. It is just one of many Rumors that we've found in the Interdimensional Rumor Mill. You can find more Rumors about Kline Greenlemon at their Rumor Registry.


The following accounts can be traced to a single leather-bound journal originally found in a locked wooden chest alongside a sextant-like device of indeterminate origin and a shell that matches no known species of mollusc. The chest was located in a storage room in the Legscraper’s lower levels that was described as “smelling faintly of the sea”. Subsequent attempts to locate and navigate to said room have been unsuccessful thus far. The journal details the exploits of the crew of a large sailing vessel, The Tokyo Adrift, descriptions of which are largely consistent with mid-17th century galleons.

With the Tokyo Adrift

Kline Greenlemon lived on a small island in the Atlantic, and owned a shop making and mending clothes. One day, the Tokyo Adrift crew landed on their shores and came upon Greenlemon's shop. The crew purchased some clothes from them, and soon decided to invite them onboard. The crew was lacking someone with sewing skills, and Greenlemon was just the person for the job. During their tenure on the ship, they mended clothes, made new clothes as needed, made eyepatches, and mended torn sails. And mysteriously, once Greenlemon joined the crew, the rate of scurvy among the group fell dramatically.