Richardson Turquoise

From Blaseball Wiki

Revision as of 01:47, 4 August 2020 by BisonWizard (talk | contribs) (Added a basic bio for the player)

Richardson Turquoise is a batter for the Yellowstone Magic and composed of Cyanobacteria Synechococcus, causing their distinctive turquoise color. They were initially discovered after a routine probe performed by C.O.R.Y-12 sampled a small part of them from the Mammoth Hot Springs. Upon returning to the lab, a freak blaseball accident revealed their aptitude for the game and they were quickly drafted to be on the team for Season 1. Being an amorphous blob of bacteria, they have no truly defined form and can assume any shape they please. On average, they prefer to bat left-handed but are known to change it up occasionally.
