Talk:Ortiz Lopez/Archive

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< Talk:Ortiz Lopez

Revision as of 19:55, 22 October 2020 by Link (talk | contribs)

Pitching Machine

Taking the opportunity to match the Pitching Machine page by including it as in a relationship with Ortiz in Rumors & Reports. With room to expand on this arc of her story in her history as needed by citing significant events/roleplay tweets as reference for how this came to be in the fanon (and solidified when Ortiz was the first one Pitching Machine drank blood from.)MEMANIAsama (talk) 03:43, 5 October 2020 (UTC)

Ortiz's Origins

Lovers intend to link a bit of trivia related to Ortiz's Fire-Eater buff to this mythological deity Perhaps explaining her mysterious origins a bit more.MEMANIAsama (talk) 19:55, 22 October 2020 (UTC)