Talk:Holden Stanton/Archive

From Blaseball Wiki

Revision as of 21:15, 27 September 2020 by Inumo (talk | contribs)

Nora Perez's Incineration

It's known that Nora was incinerated on July 28th, but the exact game (and thus the exact Day of Season 2) is unknown at this time.

Lore Submissions

There are no lore submissions at this time.

Lore History

(Record begins 14 Sept 2020)

  • 14 Sept 2020, approx 03:45 UTC - Fanart of Holden Stanton sparked conversation about the Jazz Hands' replacement for Old Bay branding, and brought forward concerns about the lack of transfer lore for Stanton relative to Nagomi Mcdaniel. Settled on PlayBall magazine approx 04:30 UTC, with many associated musical puns. Brief discussion arose over whether Jessica Telephone Superstar, Jaylen Hotdogfingers Superstar, or Mike Townsend Superstar would be more appropriate; a Garages fan in #fan-lore favored Mike Townsend in memory of his sacrifice, so Mike Townsend Superstar was chosen. Other lore proposed 05:15 UTC, typo correction but no objections for 10 minutes. Considered "good enough" for the hour, plans made to re-open discussion when more people are awake in chat.
  • 27 Sept 2020, approx 19:00 UTC - Stanton received Precognition, lore gen began. Key lore points decided approx 20:15 UTC: Stanton was party to Doyle playing the Sheet Music of the Universe, and despite not being a musician, unlocked some precognitive ability as a result. Lore draft proposed 20:50 UTC, suggested that this also be used to start Holden's musical interest; chose that Holden plays the World's Smallest Violin, a gift from Aldon Cashmoney before ve left. Revised lore presented 21:04 UTC, finalized 21:15 UTC.