Talk:HELIOLATRY/Sect of the Digital Circumbinary/Archive

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Revision as of 12:12, 22 October 2020 by JCSwishMan33 (talk | contribs) (Initial Talk page entry... Looking for ideas for how the DCs worship, any other cool antecdotes, and general refinement!)
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The Sect of the Digital Circumbinary is a sect of HELIOLATRY, the de facto religion of the Hellmouth. Their mantra is Machina ex luce et umbra est, which roughly translates to "a machine of light is also of shadow."


The Sect of the Digital Circumbinary believes in the duality of light and shadow that comes from the Sun, specifically in the case of the digital world, where the 1s and 0s inherently mark the light and shadow in the existence of everything. This particular sect came to the forefront in Season 11, due to the creation of the Black Hole and the existence of Sun 2 in tandem with it, but may have actually been in existence for an unknown amount of time.

The DCs (as they are colloquially known) are another oddity in the hierarchy of sects, as they believe in the power of shadow as much as light. However, this belief comes from the concept that shadow would not exist without light, and thusly is a part of the light itself and just as worthy of worship. Unlike the more 'shunned' sects like the Lunar Apologists, however, the Moon does not directly enter into the purvey of the DCs. The only real mention of the Moon is around eclipses, where it is merely a shadow source, a literal 'go-between' of light and shadow.


Their focus into the technological has an unknown root, but comes to bear powerfully in the modern day where electronics are as much of daily life as the Sun itself. DCs embrace technology fully, so much so that they have integrated it into things you would not expect: items like clothing and even body modification are on the table for DCs, but body mods are a pretty extreme form of 'worship' that are not for everyone.

Typically, one will find DCs with mini solar panels sewn into jackets, hoodies, backpacks and the like, charging batteries and powering simple things like cell phones. Odder things like digital signboards and pulsing runner lights (also sewn into clothes) are also occasionally seen. Some of the sect's lighter bod-mod work has included UV-reactive tattoos resembling circuits or binary code, and the use of UV lights in their clothes (with solar panels to charge them) to activate the tattoos when needed.

Special thanks to Solarium members:

Morgan (overall idea)

Olivia, Sandy's Twitter (naming idea)

Dasilodavi (solar panels idea)