Combs Duende

From Blaseball Wiki

Revision as of 17:23, 22 August 2020 by Tolinky (talk | contribs)

Combs Duende is a player for the Baltimore Crabs and has played for the team since Season 1.

Official League Records

Duende currently has no notable events in the official record books

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Interdimensional Rumor Mill

The IRM randomly chooses one backstory of many written by the Blaseball community when the page is loaded. If you would like to edit this entry, click IF-121.90, or if you would like to see a list of all Rumors for this player, click Rumor Registry. To read all about the Interdimensional Rumor Mill, visit Interdimensional Rumor Mill.

In Literature

Runolfio Peeper's award-winning "70 More Blaseball Sonnets" contained the following about Duende's love for the Navy Seals copypasta:

Our Combs Duende swings a mighty hair
It’s earned them o’er three hundred confirmed hits
So much, they’ll many times be heard to swear
“I’m trained in unarmed combat, little shits!”

They’ve killed the ball in seven hundred ways
Precision never seen before on Earth
And all who’ve battled Combs admit it pays
To really know a clever comment’s worth.

For Combs is merely average most the time
They hear an insult, then their words you’ll mark
A storm will meet the maggot’s verbal crime
Bare hands will hit the ball out of the park.

Be careful ‘ere you give Combs any sass
They graduated tops in blaseball class.


  • "Come on Combs!"