Yosh Carpenter

From Blaseball Wiki

Revision as of 17:24, 13 August 2020 by Beowulf (talk | contribs) (Updated stats)

Yosh Carpenter is a pitcher for the San Francisco Lovers, active since Season 1.

Official League Records

Carpenter currently has no notable events in the official record books


The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Yosh was born into a family of unknown, supposed carpenters and continues his family's supposed devotion to woodworking and construction. When his time is not dedicated to carpentry, it is dedicated to his love for Knight Urlacher and passion for Blaseball.

The rest of the Carpenter family is elusive at best, as Yosh's parents can only be assumed to exist or have existed due to Yosh's being. Any relation to Matheo Carpenter has not been confirmed.

Yosh's most notable woodworking project was the construction of a very comfortable oak bench which is shared by his team at their home stadium, The PolyHedron.