Peanutiel Duffy

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Peanutiel Duffy (formerly Daniel Duffy) is a lineup player for the Hades Tigers. Duffy has been a member of the Tigers since Season 1.

Official League Records

After the Peanuts decree at the end of Season 2 was officially enacted, all players who had "Dan" in their name were replaced with "Peanut", for yet unconfirmed reasons. No other stat changes apparent after this change.

Player History

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Prior to being drafted to the team, Peanutiel graduated with a Masters in Charted Accounting and worked as a full-time bookkeeper, which is a “totally normal and otherwise unremarkable human profession”.

Peanutiel is a “totally normal and otherwise unremarkable human being”. He has continued to state this in spite of his clear and obvious transformation into a six-winged, multiple-eyed Peanut Seraph.

Peanutiel has been married to Jules Duffy since XX03, and the pair have had three children named Martha, Anton and Patricia, “all of which are totally normal and otherwise unremarkable human names”. They have all refused to comment on Duffy's wings, and have continued supporting him after his transformation from one ordinary human form into another ordinary human form.

You can find Peanutiel at his twitter account where he occasionally posts updates from his totally normal and otherwise unremarkable life.

Peanut Controversy

Recently, as of the end of Season 2, Duffy has taken up an interest in consumption of peanuts. When asked by various members of the press if his "controversial stance on cannibalism" had any bearing on his status within the team, he responded with "I really have no clue where you guys got the idea that I'm a cannibal. I mean, I just eat peanuts. Since I'm a totally normal and otherwise unremarkable human, that shouldn't be much of a problem, right?" Since his transformation there have been few interviews with him, out of fear that the interviewer would come into contact with his Allergen Wings, capable of causing severe allergic reactions within 90% of the world population.


  • In his spare time, Peanutiel likes to pursue his hobbies of fly fishing and amateur kite making, both “totally normal and otherwise unremarkable human pastimes”.
  • In XX16, Peanutiel was arrested and charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder and before a grand jury was found guilty on all accounts, which is a “totally normal and otherwise unremarkable human experience”. He got out.
  • Like many other “totally normal and otherwise unremarkable humans”, Duffy financially supports the Blaseball Commissioner at
