Alexandria Rosales

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Alexandria Rosales is a lineup player for the Houston Spies, and has been with the team since Season 1.

Official League Records

Benitez currently has no notable events in the official record books.


The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

From humble roots, Alexandria Rosales has quickly risen up the ranks of the Houston Spies to become their most senior player. Lovingly referred to by the fans as the "heart of the team, plus the brain of the team, and indeed the soul of the team, and honestly the muscle of the team, but also, when you think about it, they're like the fist of the team as well".

Rosales is particularly popular amongst the Spies' many LGBT fans, thanks to their commitment to outreach programs designed to make the splort more welcoming to minority groups. In their spare time, Rosales is the general manager of a local lesbian blaseball league, and has said that in many ways this work is just as important as their full-time job.

Despite many attempts by Spies fans and others to visit Alexandria at the league they manage, there are never any records of them having ever been there. Only the actual members of the league have reported any actual sightings, which almost always involve them smiling joyfully.

As the "Most Viscious Player" of the Spies for all recorded seasons, Alexandria is regarded as a rival of similar title holder Jessica Telephone. This rivalry became the subject of much public attention in season 1 when both players were reported by members of the press to have stone carvings of each other on their Piety Altars. This continued into season 2 when photographs of Alexandria emerging from an alleyway holding a broken bat and wearing a Philly Pies skirt were published. As standard operating protocol for the Spies dictates, Rosales denies the existence of any relationship, and of themself.