Sosa Elftower

From Blaseball Wiki

Revision as of 16:13, 13 August 2020 by Treetop47 (talk | contribs) (Bold first mention of article name)

Sosa Elftower was a lineup player for the Yellowstone Magic. Elftower was a member of the team for all of Season 1 and the first 64 days of Season 2, when she was Incinerated and replaced by Halexandrey Walton.

Official League Records

Elftower currently has no notable events in the league record books.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.


While many commentators initially believed Elftower's inorganic chemical composition would be advantageous, she proved less resistant to Incineration than some initially speculated. When asked for comment, a representative for the Umpires stated:

"Sosa Elftower's hubris could not protect her. She was igneous, and what is born of fire may be returned to it at the Umpire's discretion."
