Luis Acevedo

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Revision as of 22:18, 1 August 2020 by Solonface (talk | contribs)

Luis Acevedo is a batter for the Seattle Garages as well as a marimba player for the Seattle Garages Mood. Throughout Luis' careers they have been identified as many other historical Lewises of the Cascadian bioregion, and although the validity of this folklore is in question due to how ██████ changes after ██████ events, these details are archived for ████ resource designation by Seattle Garages Clubhouse Management.

18th Century

Although not as well-traveled as fellow (presumably) immortal being and Garages splortsfellow Tot Clark, during this era they were best known for being the "Lewis" in explorer duo Lewis and Clark. This was the first time Luis's lifeforce experienced an █████ event.

20th Century

"Louie Louie", whose namesake was covered by The Wailers in 1960. Luis was an inspiration here as well during his time in Tacoma selling rhythm & blues records.

21st Century

During the late 21st Century due to recent ████ & █████ events Luis's consciousness had to be uploaded into a software matrix that could handle the histrionic power, the musicianship, as well as capability of being developed into an appropriate splortsona. Crypton Fluture Media offered a lucrative package to the Acevedo estate through VLOCALOID NEO X to upload Luis's Soul into a VLOCALOID Mainframe. This mainframe is where the ████ soul of Luis resides using soundbanks of every previous available Luis to speak. Luis is known in the splorting world as a renowned heckler and has an uncanny ability to shake opposing batters with their patented "EY BATTER, BATTER. SWING BATTER!" cry that comes in four descending phrygian octaves at a time. Luis is considered the first Latino Vocaloid whose soundbanks are used largely in Peru and the ████ Philippines.

XXth Century

As a newer player for Seattle Garages, Luis has a ways to go to make a name for their self.


Soon to come?