Washer Barajas

From Blaseball Wiki

Revision as of 21:08, 1 August 2020 by Amam741 (talk | contribs) (Added references header)

Washer Barajas is a batter for the Yellowstone Magic. Barajas has been a member of the team since Season 1[1].

Washer is observed as a bat and hat caught in the waters of a geyser within the Park. The bat fell in naturally, the hat was added by Merlinmeyer after the geyser hit a triple, officially drafting it into the Magic.

After several fans tried to recreate this incident, the Park Service was forced to amend warning signs throughout the park. They now read: "Please do not throw anything into the natural features of our amazing park, not even baseball bats. We assure you that the creation of star hitter Washer Barajas is an isolated incident that cannot be replicated."

Barajas was a league leader in stolen bases in Season 2, along with their teammate Sutton Picklestein, both scoring 12 steals.
