Juice Collins

From Blaseball Wiki

Revision as of 23:59, 26 August 2020 by SquidsGotJEANS (talk | contribs) (Editing a gallery)

Juice Collins is a lineup player for the Hawaii Fridays. Juice has been with the team since Season 3, Day 76 when Juice replaced Sebastian Sunshine due to incineration.

Official League Records

Juice currently has no notable events in the official recordbooks.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.



Juice Collins appeared during Day 76 of Season 3, in a game versus the Los Angeles Tacos after Fridays veterans Hendricks Rangel and Sebastian Sunshine were incinerated. At the Fridays' perennial third base refreshments cart, Our Lady of Perpetual Friday reached down and guided the tiki-tender's hand, pouring a cocktail so powerful that God gave it a soul. It gained sentience and stepped into the diamond during the Fridays' time of greatest need. She called herself Juice Collins. At her first at-bat, she hit a double. The devastated Fridays went on to win the game thanks in part to Juice.


██ oz ████ rum

█ ██ ████ rum


██ oz POG

[this part of the wiki is wet and undecipherable]

█████ ██ ██████

69 ████████

Play Kokomo by The Beach Boys. Recording, live band, or acapella works, though results may vary.


pour into collins glass

garnish with ███████ and tiny umbrella
