Famous Owens

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Revision as of 21:17, 19 August 2020 by ItsSteve (talk | contribs)

Famous Owens is a player for the Hades Tigers. Owens has been with the team since the start of Season 1.

Official League Records

Owens currently has no notable events in the official recordbooks.

Interdimensional Rumor Mill

If you would like to edit this entry, click IF-156.2, or if you would like to see a list of all lore for this character, click /Rumor_Registry. This page only serves as a test concept for randomized entries, and a guide will be written once it's ready for the public.


Famous Owens is strangely familiar. They have your grandfather’s hands, your best friend’s laugh and the effortlessly attractive tousled hair of your first high school crush. They have the nervous tic you noticed on a stranger last week, the nod that your barkeep gives you, the soothing voice of the kind lecturer whose classes you couldn’t stop dozing off in.

Owens denies there is anything untoward about their appearance. When questioned, they say they “just have one of those faces, I guess.”

Of course, all that matters to Tigers fans is that Owens has a throwing arm unlike anyone you know.