Jesús Koch

From Blaseball Wiki

Revision as of 18:35, 14 August 2020 by Ian Gitax (talk | contribs) (Adding categories)

Jesús Koch is a player for the Canada Moist Talkers, and has been with the team since the start of Internet League Blaseball.

Official League Records

Koch currently has no notable events in the official recordbooks.


The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.


Koch has been known to give himself several nicknames during events, using his bat as a microphone, which amplifies his voice. He can be heard whispering encouraging mantras into the handle of his bat as he prepares his swings. It is disputed whether Koch realizes we can hear this too. At a charity fundraiser following the Season 2 shutout game against the Hades Tigers, a seven-year old child dared Koch to list every single nickname in chronological order, which they promptly completed on-the-spot.

Nicknames include, but are not limited to: Coach Koch, Truest Jesús't, Koch Got Your Tongue, Loose Jesús, The Jesús'st with the Moistest, Slippy, Other-side, Wetfoot, Dampsock, Nickname King, The Jaden Smith of Blaseball, The Willow Smith of Blaseball, Captain "Cap" Anti-Cap, The Killer Hitter, Kid with a Comet In His Hands, The Anti-Meteorite, They Who Face The Blaseball, Mx. Respect the Receptacle, Clinch Hitter No-Quitter, Jesús-3000, Outkast Stan, Aquaman but Reverse, Kochlear Cavity, Talkin' Chuy, Babe Ruth-But-Hot, The Word, Grandest Slammest