Wyatt Glover

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Wyatt "Comfort Glover" Mason is a player for the Unlimited Tacos. Mason has been a member of the team since Season 1, when they were known as Comfort Glover of the Los Angeles Tacos. In Season 3, Mason was awarded with a blessing that randomized the player's pitching stats to 0.

Official League Records

Exploratory Surgery

During the Season 3 election results, and after the effects of Wyatt Masoning, Mason was awarded the Exploratory Surgery blessing due to being the Tacos' worst pitcher—a blessing that randomized the stats of a team's worst pitcher three times. The surgery randomized Mason's pitching stats from ½ to ½. Mason was again eligible for the second round of surgery, which again randomized Mason's pitching stats from ½ to ½. Mason was finally subjected to third and final round of surgery, which randomized Mason's pitching stats from ½ to 0.

Mason still remains the Tacos' worst pitcher.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.


Early Career

Before the start of their professional Blaseball career, Wyatt Mason (then Comfort Glover) worked as a glove tester and representative for 5 Finger Discount Gloves. As part of a product demonstration at the Van Nuys Ralphio's, Mason was to wear a hat bearing the fledgling team's insignia. Taco's manage Al Pastor mistook them for a prospective player and gave them the sign up sheet and waiver in place of the sponsorship form. Mason has, on record, said that they are "Not a Blaseball player" and to "Please let [them] out of the dugout." Pastor has refused to acknowledge this in any press release.

Correctional Branding Surgery

After the Tacos underwent The Wyatt Masoning, Mason underwent three rounds of exploratory surgery for the purposes of "maintaining their marketable form"[2]. Undergoing this procedure made them lose their half-star rating. Despite this, Mason is pleased with the results of the operation.