Talk:Betsy Trombone/Archive

From Blaseball Wiki

Betsy's time with the Garages

Betsy has settled in to our team now, and as such needs her lore expanded upon. Here's what we've come up with:

After swapping with Jaylen Hotdogfingers due to feedback, BT was warmly welcomed by the Seattle Garages, in part due to their inherent musical talent, in other part due to her no nonsense attitude. Trombone's affinity for brass instruments proved essential to the team, as the departure of Farrell Seagull left the band with no one left to "doot". Oliver Mueller quickly approached them to collaborate, forming a ska band "TBD". Summers Pony has allegedly been invited, although efforts to teach them the saxophone are still challenging and ongoing. Trombone's punk and occasionally-violent nature helped fill the void left by Allison Abbott, which further endeared her to the team. Trombone and Turnip can often be found practicing recreational axe throwing. Nolanestophia Patterson was particularly excited at Trombone's arrival to the team. Sophia often throws in additional cheers for Spitvalve during games that she's pitching.

Trombone is, surprisingly, a good friend of Mike Townsend. Their unlikely friendship began after Mike approached BT to discuss their mutual love of baking, despite Trombone having been voted "Most Likely To Stab Someone" in the Pies yearbook. Both pitchers can often be found baking bread and other foods for the team before matches. During Townsend's time in the shadows, Trombone was reportedly spotted entering a former Planera Bread bakery whenever they were in Seattle.

On the field, Trombone is incredibly dedicated to the splort. With one of the highest strikeout rates on record, BT is constantly outperforming her star rating. Even during the Garages' Season 10 party time, Trombone refused to let the innings last any longer than necessary. Some speculate that her drive comes from wanting to prove that low ranked players shouldn't be underestimated, but when reached for comment, Trombone sicced her crows on the reporter, causing them to flee.

Once the Pies began befriending the local crows in Season 9, fans and splortscasters alike assumed this would affect only the resident members of the team. But crows, known for remembering faces, were reported to have followed Trombone all the way from Philadelphia to Seattle after the swap. Given the long travel time, this meant they didn't reach Seattle until Season 10, granting Trombone her Friend of Crows trait. Since their arrival, most of the crows in the Puget Sound appear to share their favor for Betsy.

Feedback is appreciated! StarNavigator (talk) 23:34, 16 October 2020 (UTC)