Topic on Talk:Goodwin Morin

From Blaseball Wiki

Hi! Thank you for the additional clarification. I was unaware that these were two different versions of the character that were developed independently, and knowing more about the process of how she was developed helps a lot. I think the page would benefit from more clarification that these are separate interpretations, and I agree that conversion to a full-page IRM would help a lot in that regard.

As I stated in my previous post, I am definitely not the authority for making calls on this character, and I'm happy to hear a Garages fan of color giving their input. I'm definitely willing to trust your judgement more than my own. I have still heard enough concerns about Goodwin from POC in the community that I feel it still may be good to give a second look at Goodwin's lore (and I know the Lift have been planning a lorejam on their sidecord for Sunday!) but whether these concerns are a direct result of the lack of clarity or something else I'm personally not aware of, I'm not sure.

Again, thank you for the clarification, and I apologize if my previous judgement was misplaced.