Topic on Talk:Emblem Warhorse

From Blaseball Wiki



- Siti Wardah, nickname “CT” or “War”

- trans feminine Malay American library shelver (27, she/her)

- became a Patron after mistakenly thinking that Emblem Warhorse is a meetup for nerds interested in the study of historical emblems and/or the involvement of horses in war

- teetotaller, preferred drink is virgin mary or as she calls it: “fancy cold tomato soup”

- was secretly interested in the Javanese “Kuda Kepang/Lumping” traditional dance, but went full-on geek about it with the encouragement of the other Patrons, using the bar as a place to practice dancing

- will make anyone a tiny paper version of the eponymous rattan “kuda” if they ask her nicely for one

- instrument is angklung, emblem is shawl brooch