Topic on Talk:Bees Taswell

From Blaseball Wiki

Sorry for the delay, I needed to confirm and hash out a response. As it stands it's going to be in a separate part of the page for now, because we've got a lot of pages to go through. Once we've gotten main pages for all our players set up with the current primary interpretation though, I'm going to try suggesting we open up conversation going over and discussing less well known versions of players who we could potentially expand the lore on, reaching out to the writers of those IRM's, and possibly switching players that have multiple properly fleshed out and recognized interpretations to a full IRM version. I don't know your personal interactions with the Discord, but it'd happen in the Mechs Sidecord Lore-Jam (After we've done this first pass and cooled off for a bit.) if you want I can reply to this thread to let you know if/when that happens so you can bring your IRM up then.