Topic on Talk:Ortiz Lopez

From Blaseball Wiki

Need to make a pretty direct admin announcement here.

First off, I want to apologize to Winds for stealing the thunder here--I think people should continue to discuss that thread. I don't think your comment came across wrong so much as entered an already heated conversation at a strange time.

I would like to reiterate, again, that this character has been a target for frequent and increasingly rough discourse around the policing of queer bodies and sexuality. We understand that there is a bit of discomfort with the portrayal of the Ortiz and Pitching Machine relationship here but it is well within the grounds of what we, in partial consultation with the Blaseball discord groundskeepers, would accept regarding interpersonal relationships.

We're not going to remove this material on community safety grounds and that decision is final. If the community wants to continue to work in tandem to make changes to this material for other reasons, I encourage you to continue discussing it. The wiki cannot be everything for everyone and we err on the side of expression (again, within bounds) when it comes to content that can cause passionate reactions.

I am available for private replies to this if you do not feel comfortable discussing on this thread.