Topic on Talk:Ortiz Lopez

From Blaseball Wiki

I would like to be clear that I am not trying to make a statement on whether or not the content on the page should be on the wiki or not, or whether it violates the rules of the wiki.

I didn't really offer a solution because I don't personally think that I have a good one, nor do I want to say that there is inherently a problem with that sort of joke. Kids media makes jokes about the existence of sexual things and innuendos all the time, and I'm not really trying to start about the discussion of that being appropriate or not.

So what I'm trying to say is that I was just trying to point out that the existence of the chuck tingle reference feels incongruent with the rest of the section *if the intent is for it being nonsexualized/not an inuendo*

If it is intended to be an innuendo then it fits in. I don't want to say "Just remove it" as a solution, because that feels disingenuous. Because if it's intended to be as, at least a joke about a thing that *could* be interpreted as sexualized, but isn't necessarily *inherently* sexualized, (which would put it firmly into innuendo range) then I think it makes sense, but if it doesn't, I'd say it should be removed, or, maybe changed to a general jab about the trends of YA novel titles?

Sorry if my first post came across wrong?