Topic on Talk:Howell Rocha

From Blaseball Wiki

The Jazz Hands on the official Blaseball Discord have finally gotten our acts together enough to have a full lore summary to propose. Below are the highlights for Howell Rocha (she/her):

  • She's an eldritch being who can control her appearance, often choosing to appear as friendly things to her teammates and fearsome things to her opponents. You can identify her regardless of her form because she always has floating pink cubes around her.
  • She's a physical therapist & psychotherapist due to her general refusal of mind-body dualism; she firmly believes that the state of the body influences the mind, and vice versa.
  • Her primary motivation is producing good vibes, as they are her primary source of energy. They radiate off people who are happy/healthy and she absorbs them like an eldritch solar panel. What she's absorbing all these vibes for is left open for debate, though rumors circulate that she may eventually use all that energy to bring about the end of the universe billions of years down the line.
  • She produces music by vibrating at the right frequencies.