Topic on User talk:Chesse

From Blaseball Wiki

Hm. Well, I can say outright that we don't want individual Item pages for any of the Items present in the ILB. While you are correct that ARPG wikis like the Dark Souls wiki will have individual pages for items, they also have a very different context for items; in Dark Souls, there are a limited number of items, they appear in the same places, and they have lore independent of the player character who wields them. In Blaseball, however, Items are randomly generated using a selection of prefixes and suffixes, and there is no evidence at this time that the Items persist or have any significance outside of the players who wield them.

With all that said, we recognize your desire to write lore about or make fanart of Items. Considering these Items only gain significance in the context of a player, we think Item lore should thus be added to its wielder's player page. This would be a major change like any other narrative beat, and as such would need to go through our normal Talk page process, but could be added to player pages however you deem appropriate. In this context, however, we would not want an infobox summarizing the Item, as it would unduly clutter the Community Reports sections. Your proposed Template:Equipment is thus unnecessary for this wiki. We look forward to seeing what you write about Items, though!