Topic on Talk:Ortiz Lopez

From Blaseball Wiki

There was definitely a good faith effort to include Nahua voices in the cultural aspect of the character, but none stepped forward when we originally put out the call. As Link said, we've done our best to perform due diligence in approaching her heritage in this way, but none of us are seasoned subject matter experts. We're cognizant of the possibility that we may hit a wrong note and need to revisit some elements. That's what the discussion's for, after all!

Regarding Emst's second point, while ancient religious traditions do persist to varying degrees in modern Nahua society, I understand the phrasing there may be misinterpreted to suggest that all Nahua people hold that reverence, so I think it's fair to revisit that. Our lead researcher suggested that expanding on Ortiz's relationship to Xiuhcoatl to frame it as an act of decolonization and reclamation of Nahua heritage. I think that adds meaningfully to that part of the lore while making the distinction between the past and present religious situations in Nahua culture.

To briefly address Emst's other points:

Ortiz does not have a significant lore connection with Greece aside from being a mythical creature based on Greek mythology. The mention of Aphrodite was coincidental and was not intended to imply a further connection.

Her blindness is not explored further for the same reason her having snakes for hair isn't further explained. It's simply how she is and that informs further fan works. She is affected by blindness in the same ways the average reader can be reasonably expected to infer. Being blind does not preclude having fun taking selfies and letting others enjoy them.

Ortiz is confident in her appearance and has fun with it. She's not a narcissist. Note that "vanity" is your word, not one used in the rewrite. While we're aware that an uncharitable reading of the character may play to that stereotype, it's been repeatedly affirmed by trans women on our team that this is a treatment that they appreciate and want to see.