Topic on Talk:Evelton McBlase II

From Blaseball Wiki


After the Season 13 election, McBlase was last seen floating in the Chesapeake Bay, notably failing to carcinize. Several days later, fishermen in the Core caught McBlase as bycatch. The Mechanics were subsequently assigned to monitor McBlase for any "evil activities" and "delayed transformations into an eel and/or crab."


After being revoked, McBlase joined the Core Mechanics. The team is reportedly "quietly hoping that they leave." Until then, the Mechanics have been trying to rehabilitate McBlase, and have given them an extensive list of anti-capitalist literature. Despite this, McBlase still supports NFTs, though they have been seen trying to build a machine that they refer to as a "praxis."


After winning a championship with the Crabs, McBlase moved to the Core, citing an interesting in the groundbreaking special effects and independent films coming out of the area. McBlase has since made their directorial debut with The Llitch, and has been met with widespread critical acclaim for both that and his subsequent film, The Llighthouse.


McBlase has continued their crime spree post-decension, though their success rate has gone down without the involvement of Best. They have also been hampered by the mysterious crime-fighter known only as Adelaide Judochop: Captain Judochop. The two have been seen engaging in physical, verbal, and plokemon battles with one another. Team representative Jolene Willowtree, when asked about the situation, stated that ve is "just happy that they're keeping each other distracted."