Topic on Talk:Alexandria Dracaena

From Blaseball Wiki

Deffo not a vampire ...though if he was the jokes mills make tend to paint him as being a lot older than he looks (a lot think of him as a vamp bc that seems to be the joke behind the wiki entry, and its a fun bit to pretend one of the players is "Not a Vampire"), though nothing set in stone. Such as Mills lore goes. Depending on how old y'all figure Alex to be they could be bio siblings that were/weren't traveling together at the time - or maybe even found siblings, friends that consider themselves to be defacto siblings (and maybe space for collab hands/mills Dracaena name lore somewhere down the line) - or this could even leave space for a whole new interpretation of Thomas someday. One cool suggestion I saw in Beams was that Alexandria definitely talked about Thomas to Hendricks, so Hendricks knew quite a lot about Tom before joining the league. Drac is my fav so I'm biased, but I thought that was super cute and also kind, since it leaves room for Hendricks and Thomas to possibly have a strong bond (in a currently undetermined amount of time)