Talk:Zack Sanders/Archive

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Revision as of 01:59, 10 October 2020 by Alter Eagle (talk | contribs) (Created page with "A new bit of Zack lore to consider: Zack runs something of a travel blog (, where they visit and review premier sun-basking locations in Eastern Utah or dese...")
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A new bit of Zack lore to consider: Zack runs something of a travel blog (, where they visit and review premier sun-basking locations in Eastern Utah or deserts in general. They award bonus points if it's a great place to spend an evening stargazing, rooted in place, then enjoying the morning sun on your leaves. Generally the more remote and inaccessible the place, the better.

They used to be quite active with their blog and would occasionally get Hollywood (hound, likes to snooze in a warm spot) to contribute to the blog, but she's been doing less of it since she joined the Flowers. Zack also spends less time alone in the desert staring unmovingly at the sun for hours now that Hiro's in Zack's life.

However! Hendricks Richardson, a very large dragon, has told Zack he enjoys their blog very much. The two like to chat about it before games in the locker bay, so Zack now also writes up articles based on Hendricks' reviews. Sunbeamaratinga (talk) 01:59, 10 October 2020 (UTC)