Baby Doyle

From Blaseball Wiki

Revision as of 20:05, 8 August 2020 by Inumo (talk | contribs)

Baby Doyle is a lineup player for the Breckenridge Jazz Hands. Doyle has been with the Jazz Hands since Season 1.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Doyle is a literal baby, and no one but The Commissioner knows how they manage to wield a Blaseball Blatt. A core component of the Jazz Hands' offense, their short legs and and lack of object permanence make them a slight liability on defense.

Birthed from a heap of nuclear slag at Rocky Flats Plant, CO, Doyle's naissance is of ritual significance to the Church St Marie Curie of the Holy Geiger Counter. Doyle is technically a free agent, but has to get their mom to sign all the paperwork for them given their radioactivity, juvenile illiteracy, and inability to hold a pen in their fat little baby hands.