Chorby Soul

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Chorby Soul was a batter for the New York Millennials and a noted philanthropist.

Blaseball Career

Soul acted as a serviceable batter for the Millennials from the beginning of Season 1 until their incineration early in Season 3, at 4:20am on Day 14. The Umpire was aiming for Dominic Marijuana, and Chorby sacrificed themself to save him.

Starting in Season 2, Soul developed a fervent fanbase who are known for congregating in left field. Generally, the fans would wear bright yellow shirts with Soul's face across the front. In addition, they will alternately chant "Chorby Yes!" and "Chorby No!" depending on how Soul is playing at any given time.

When asked about the fans, Soul remarked, "I'm going to be honest, I have no idea what I'm doing out here. I don't totally get Blaseball. So sometimes it's nice to have the fans let me know. Yeah."

Philanthropic Work

Soul earned significant praise for their affiliation with the charitable organization Society for the Prevention of the Second Law of Thermodynamics (SP2LT). They previously served on the Board of Directors (prior to incineration) and had previously donated large but undisclosed sums of money to the organization.

At a gala celebrating the opening of SP2LT's New York City headquarters under a decrepit bridge in Central Park, Soul told the crowd, "It's unfair that with so many technological advances in our modern world, we haven't found a way to stop the unceasing growth of entropy in our system. Stability good, entropy bad, Chorby Yes!"


• Chorby Soul has never met a dog they didn’t like.

• Chorby Soul’s favorite color is chartreuse.

• Chorby Soul once landed a plane on the [REDACTED] River after a [REDACTED] flew into plane’s engine. The reason for Chorby being in the cockpit at the time remains unknown.