Shadowed Grove/IF-79.44

From Blaseball Wiki
Rumor / Community Lore
This article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community. It is just one of many Rumors that we've found in the Interdimensional Rumor Mill. You can find more Rumors about Shadowed Grove at their Rumor Registry.

Water Within The Park

A Young, Ram-Straight Engelmann Spruce

The words spiral upward about the tree from its base, carved ever-smaller in a spindly hand that has a tendency to get lost in the shingle-like, lichen crusted peels of its greying bark. In the rain, the etchings ooze thin yellow sap, as if carved afresh.

They shadows, castaway, drift in the tears of the land. The glaciers bleed and they walk among ye, unbeknownst, between fen and thumb and skies below. Let the depths play bed, the arrowgrass pillow as they sleep undisturbed by bear or whitefish or bat. Let their clothes, be they clothed, be unsullied by their home, eyes unclouded, breath easy, skin unburned, have they such anatomies.

When our name is called we shall answer, flanked in steam, from prismatic and dewdrop. The Sun will burn away our cloak of midnight, and we will walk on dry soil. Fear not the call, for you will breathe it. The chorus of night will be welcome among us, though she travels under different suns than we. Let that radiant barrier fall away.

I have already seen it.