Talk:Pitching Machine/Rumor Registry/Archive

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Writing your own take on PM

Hello all! We would love to hear your takes on other forms of PM! While not required, we have a handy template we encourage you to use when describing your AU Pitching Machine. It is as follows:

From Los Angeli Universe: *IRM number*
Musical ability:

Hope to see more takes soon! StarNavigator (talk) 23:37, 6 November 2020 (UTC)

Pitching Machine 824.01

Pitching Machine (Universe 824.01
Originally created by a young Tacos' fan, Spuddy the potato cannon was added to the team's Rotation when (by threat of the Peanut itself) the team was forced to adopt a new pitcher following the events of The Snackrifice. Though originally thought that the sentient heap of duct tape and PVC pipe would immediately fall apart, it turned out it was made by quite the clever child and eventually came to earn the loving nickname fans and fellow league members came to give it.

Pitching Machine (or PM for short) often utilizes a fakeout pitch tactic to confuse sometimes even the greatest of ILB batters by launching a yukon gold potato into the air, not unlike a mortar strike, before loading in the actual ball and pitching it straight towards the catcher's mitt. Though other players have attempted to claim such methods as unfair, these were immediately dismissed when the Commissioner stated, "Uhhh... It's a potato cannon?"

PM often enjoys spending time with it's child creator, found often times (even right before games) partaking in an ongoing LARP campaign set in a cyberpunk universe. This even resulted in some of the fellow Tacos players joining said campaign, continuing to meetup even after PM's transfer to the Seattle Garages. Whilst playing for the Garages, it was discovered that by drilling holes in the length of the barrel, PM could not only achieve faster pitches but could add musical accompaniment in what many have bandmates have described as "a highly-pressured bassoon, but like... in a good way?" -Submitted by Nerdy, posted by StarNavigator (talk) 07:32, 18 November 2020 (UTC)

Pitching Machine 4779.5

PM #4779.5
This iteration of Pitching Machine is a standard human who has dedicated its life to the art of pitching.

It can throw with uncanny precision gained through years of training, but has trouble focusing on things entirely unrelated to pitching.

Now that it’s on the garages, it has been trying to see how many instruments can be played by pitching at them. Percussion is easy, but it also likes to set up a line of theremins and pitch past them to make them play songs. Experiments with wind instruments are ongoing.
Idea by CptKaladin, posted by StarNavigator (talk) 17:39, 18 November 2020 (UTC)

Pitching Machine 5778

From Los Angeli Universe: 5778 Appearance: A normal pitching machine one would expect to see on their ceiling. Details: This iteration of Pitching Machine was first seen shortly after the Season 11 finals where it pitched against the Hellmouth Sunbeams in an away game. While most of the Garages were reportedly unaffected, this Pitching Machine came away with an Adaptation, notably including increased mobility, stealth, and defense granted by five arachnoid legs, an eye on one of it's pitching wheels, and occasional bouts of lava spewing from it's funnel despite no apparent source.

Although there is no visible mouth on it, it has been observed to utter the word "blood" every 9 hours. While it does not seem to be any thirstier than usual, several team members have reported having their sleep disturbed by the deep cries of "blood" coming from the shadows. This version becomes excited when in the presence of Sparks Beans. When asked about why this would be, Sparks claimed that they were "so absolutely legally not allowed to talk about it; just, don't go to the Hellmouth."

Musical ability: Capable of hissing, clicking, screeching, spitting lava, scatting, humming dirges, and purring. Idea by Razura, posted by StarNavigator (talk) 03:35, 19 November 2020 (UTC)