Adalberto Tosser

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Revision as of 22:45, 31 July 2020 by Ophilllous (talk | contribs)

Adalberto Tosser is a player for the Baltimore Crabs, beloved by countless blaseball fans but banned from almost every bar in town. His rambunctious antics off the field have made him something of a regular figure in the scandal pages and gossip blogs, but never detract from his solid, respectable reputation as a thoroughly middling player. Adalberto Tosser has one large arm that is 6 feet long below the elbow. His arm is widely attributed for being the key to his legendary pitching success, as demonstrated in the last game of Season 2. Two popular fan chants associated with Adalberto Tosser are "Tosser's gonna toss ya' / 'em / it" and "Adal-berto" followed by two claps, spaced two beats apart, and then three claps, spaced 1/4 of a beat apart.