Joe Voorhees

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Joe Voorhees is a player for the Canada Moist Talkers, and has been with the team since the start of Internet League Blaseball.

Official League Records

Voorhees currently has no notable events in the official recordbooks.


The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Joe Voorhees is definitely not undead serial killer and horror movie icon Jason Voorhees wearing two hockey masks, that's just his preferred headgear of choice.

Notable Facts

Joe Voorhees is famous in the world of Blaseball for never running, yet somehow always being where he needs to be at the right time. Fans have tried to see how he does it but always manage to just barely miss his movements. When asked about this, Joe Voorhees refused to say anything.

Joe Voorhees has oddly green skin. Whether this is a skin condition or some sort of dye is unknown. When asked about this, Joe Voorhees again refused to say anything.

Halifax Disappearances

Since Joe Voorhees has joined the Canada Moist Talkers there have been multiple teenagers that have vanished from the park during games. Some witnesses claims to have seen Joe Voorhees following these individuals throughout the stadium. Those teenagers all disappeared while exploring a dark hallway deep in the bowels of the stadium that leads to a run down shack that some say Joe Voorhees makes his home. There has been no confirmation as to whether he actually lives there or not. Anyone who has tried to get inside of the shack has never actually been seen again. When asked about this, an official Moist Talkers Representative said that "The Moist Talkers don't know anything about any 'disappearances' within our stadium. I would advise all fans stay within the well lit parts of our stadium and refrain from exploring the rest of it. On the subject of Joe Voorhees 'stalking' teens throughout the park, all I can say is that he's in our dugout during the games. The only way he would be able to get out with nobody noticing is if he could teleport or something, which is absolutely preposterous" When asked if he had any involvement in the supposed disappearances Joe Voorhees refused to say anything.


  • The Slasher