Dunlap Figueroa

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Revision as of 00:31, 11 August 2020 by Ian Gitax (talk | contribs)

Dunlap Figueroa is a pitcher for the Hades Tigers. Figueroa has been with the team since the start of Season 1.

Official League Records

Despite a 3-star rating, Dunlap has proven to be one of the best pitchers in the league, having the best ERA and WHIP of any pitcher in the league during Season 3.[1]

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

They are widely feared for throwing a wide variety of junk pitches, including some that they invented themselves and have no name for, as well as basically having no fastball.

Dunlap's father, Elvis, is also a professional blaseball player, currently on the Philly Pies.

Dunlap is a trained classical theatre actrex, constantly changes outfits between innings, and traditionally breaks out into hours-long soliloquys that can last the duration of a game. They will also frequently give an aside to the audience after each strikeout they throw. They are genderfluid, and comfortable with any pronouns.