Topic on Talk:Jesús Koch

From Blaseball Wiki

(addition to Scorpler’s jacket section) Before being purged by the Blaseball Management, Koch’s jacket had begun to accumulate patches given to him by his teammates in an attempt to make Koch feel a greater sense of ownership over the Jacket. Known patches that were attached to the jacket include: Koch’s Jacket (Reportedly given to Koch by York Silk) Foxy Grandpa (Reportedly given to Koch by Greer Lott) Certified Sugar Mama (Reportedly given to Koch by Jenkins Good) MLG PRO Subscribe to xX_CV_SOGGERS_Xx.ttv (Clearly given by Commissioner Vapor)

Time with the Moist Talkers

After coming to terms with the anxieties he had being compared to the “original Jesús”, Koch found a role on the team as the close friend and pseudo-caretaker of Commissioner Vapor and York Silk. Dubbed the “Teen Squad” by the rest of the team, despite Koch being older than the other two, the three lived in a shared apartment which they were able to find thanks to the help of Polkadot Patterson. There Koch began to widen his horizons and engage in more hobbies outside of the Blaseball Diamond.

Joining Teammate Cedric Spliff on multiple outings Koch picked up an interest in both needle felting and dice moulding after discovering he had exceptional finger dexterity. Additionally, during long term siestas, Koch has been seen acting as an assistant Blaseball coach for former teammate Ortiz Morse’s Blittle league team. Reportedly, Koch has earned the nickname “Uncle Coke after multiple Blittle league players mistakenly mispronounced his name.

After the incineration and subsequent revival of teammate and close friend York Silk, Koch began to return to previous patterns of self isolation, this was exacerbated by his extended time spent in Elsewhere which he refuses to comment on publicly. Eventually with the support of his teammates and fellow “Teen squad” member Commissioner Vapor, Koch was able to return to his position on the team and confront teammate York Silk about the emotional gap that had seemingly formed between them. However before the two were able to reconcile Silk was transferred to the Seattle Garages. Reports indicate the two have not spoken since this transfer.

Trivia Koch is a skilled breakdancer. This skill was first shown in a livestream broadcast by Commissioner Vapor wherein Vapor asked Koch to “do something cool”. It is to this day still Vapor’s most watched stream. Koch insists that he is only slightly shorter than Commissioner Vapor, making him one of the tallest members of the team. This claim has been disputed following the multiple infusions of Greer Lott and the Return of Richmond Harrison in Season 17.