Topic on Talk:Ortiz Lopez

From Blaseball Wiki

Hello, administrator here. Essentially this has come up before, not necessarily on the wiki but within the community prior to the grand siesta. Our stance on it then didn't require that we examined the language super closely given where and how the discussion happened.

Our stance on it now is balancing two things: 1) the language is undeniably not great as it currently stands, and we had not reviewed it super closely before; 2) recognition of the fact that "sexy trans woman" is not in and of itself inherently fetishistic. The plan is to work with the Lovers on the main Blaseball discord to give it another pass and see where it is after taking these concerns into consideration. The administration team will review it again at that point and make a decision on what is next at that time.

As an addendum, this is the kind of thing where you can also contact a member of the moderation team directly to make sure our eyes are on it.