Topic on Talk:Bevan Underbuck

From Blaseball Wiki

We're looking at updating the fridays bit and adding a section about Bevan trading to the Crabs:

Trade to the Crabs

After being traded to the Crabs, Underbuck pitched the team's only win of Season 11, and is the first and only pitcher in ILB history to have a confirmed win in The Big Leagues. Details about the game are sparse, though teammates report that Underbuck "dialed it up to 173%".

Post-Descension, Bevan has embraced their status as a crepuscular creature and retreated into the Crabs' shadows, acting as a liaison between the team's active roster and their bullpen. According to Underbuck, the shadow roster is "pretty nice, usually," and that "[they're] teaching me to be rude. I'm rude now. Sorry." Bevan has been seen with fellow shadows player and alleged sorceress Enid Marlow, who is reportedly teaching them dark magic.