Topic on Talk:Malik Destiny

From Blaseball Wiki

I think we should really put a pin in the anarchist idea since I think that is really good. Obviously I can only speak for myself but my main issue is with how what is currently on the page is an immigrant who only identifies negatively with their country of origin while also staying completely uncritical of their current one. (I've talked about this in my previous post a bit) The anarchism does help a lot there as it would be very critical of the US as well. It's also why I like that little tidbit from the suggested edits of the small connection of live performances in Kuwait giving at least one positive.

As far as the JRPG stuff goes I don't really have much to say on that. I know next to nothing about and have never played FF14 (maybe one day) so I don't know the references. You're going to have to wait for the response of others there but one thing that can get tricky is looking for a video game version of Kuwait to implement since Middle East equivalents in fantasy games tend to be all orientalism for the most part. Probably not impossible but definitely a potential pitfall that bears pointing out before someone falls in.