Topic on Talk:Order of the Baristas

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Hi! Can you be clearer about what changes you want to see? Eg new details or what portions you want kept- while I understand that the vibe is important, a lot of it seems reliant on either mirror Catholicism or on mystifying lands that are frequently already exoticized and othered in this genre of Western European fiction- you know, the Indiana Jones, Secret society type of stuff. If you have other changes in mind or more indepth reasons as to why Thunder Plains Arabica, etc, should be maintained, please let me know!  
Hi! Can you be clearer about what changes you want to see? Eg new details or what portions you want kept- while I understand that the vibe is important, a lot of it seems reliant on either mirror Catholicism or on mystifying actual countries. If you have other changes in mind or more indepth reasons as to why Thunder Plains Arabica, etc, should be maintained, please let me know!  
The entire problem with this page, imo, is that it is remarkably dead set on removing the role of the Global South in the coffee industry when they're already removed and treated badly in the real world industry. In addition to that, this entire article is riffing of a genre of media (Indiana Jones, James Bond, The Mummy, secret society type of media) that already systemically others and  commodifies countries like the Arab world, Nicaragua, and Brazil for a White audience. Tbh, I'm very much on the same boat about religion but the riffs on Catholicism are only worrisome because they riff off the pre-existing colonialist themes and Catholicism goes hand in hand with old colonialist stories and modern day fascism that draws inspiration from those eras. I just want to be clear on my issues so that navigation of this discussion is easier.  
The entire problem with this page, imo, is that it is remarkably dead set on removing the role of the Global South in the coffee industry when they're already removed and treated badly in the real world industry. In addition to that, this entire article is riffing of a genre of media (Indiana Jones, James Bond, The Mummy, secret society type of media) that already systemically others and  commodifies countries like the Arab world, Nicaragua, and Brazil for a White audience. Tbh, I'm very much on the same boat about religion, but the riffs on Catholicism are only worrisome because they riff off the pre-existing colonialist themes. Catholicism tends to go hand in hand with colonialism and modern day fascist movements that draws inspiration from those eras. I just want to be clear on my issues so that navigation of this discussion is easier and to explain what tropes I'm meaningfully trying to avoid repeating in future edits.  
I think the holy bean edit sounds good! I'll be honest, I'm just super against having... All this sketchy stuff here for any longer than necessary. I'm thinking mainly of the names- I'm no better with names, hence why I just did pop culture references. Would it be alright if I push these changes with the names I've written only placed as placeholders until better names are proposed?  
I think the holy bean edit sounds good! I'll be honest, I'm just super against having... All this sketchy stuff here for any longer than necessary. I'm thinking mainly of the names- I'm no better with names, hence why I just did pop culture references. Would it be alright if I push these changes with the names I've written with the understanding that these are only placed as placeholders until better names are thought of?  
To be clear- my main goal here is to just get colonialist stuff off the wiki asap. In this page, I'm not remarkably attached to my proposed edits other and am totally fine with Garages editing it to put their preferred lore anytime. I just want to avoid an instance of different but equally problematic content to come up but besides that, go ham after I apply these changes!  
To be clear- my main goal here is to just get colonialist stuff off the wiki asap. In this page, I'm not remarkably attached to my proposed edits other and am totally fine with Garages editing it to put their preferred lore anytime. I just want to avoid an instance of different but equally problematic content to come up but besides that, go ham after I apply these changes!  
I can also follow up with the Flowers, I know it wouldn't be the first time that city wiki lore was out of date or quite distant from current community lore.
I can also follow up with the Flowers, I know it wouldn't be the first time that city wiki lore was out of date or quite distant from current community lore.