Topic on Talk:Cordula Standlake

From Blaseball Wiki

Proposal to add Cordula lore and origins from the Fridays lorejam. It would be an IRM using the summary format. The first three lists contain the quick hits for each IRM, with the last one being the static content that would be added on the end. If you want the full write up, I've added a link.

Whale Cordula - A humpback whale

- Possibly two whales in a trench coat, though Cordula never comments on this

- Wants to fly, gets very enamored by the Fridays birds as a result

- Watches the Fridays practice and then joins the team

Coral Colony Cordula - A mass of coral, collective consciousness - Coral growth changes shapes to look like different animals (and play some pranks) - What Cordula wants to last forever: last of coral species, wants to grow and experience new things and travel beyond the sea bed - No pronouns

Theydy of the Lake Cordula - Lady of the lake type spirit - Emphasis on connection to flowers, with flowers growing out/over them - Native to Hawaii/Lake Waiau

Static Content - Big aunt energy - Emphasis on water and nature themes - Married/in a qpr with a bird - Protect our reefs, cares a lot about conservation. Bonds with Yass over it - Allegedly went to high school with Spears - Beck and Cordula gardening buddies