Topic on Talk:Patchwork Southwick

From Blaseball Wiki

Southwick's 'Gaelic' Accent

Gavgavgav (talkcontribs)

Patchwork Southwick's current lore states that they have a strong 'Gaelic' accent. While there is no such single accent, 'Gaelic' is an umbrella term used to describe several languages with Celtic origin, such as Irish, Scot's Gaelic, Welsh, Manx and Cornish. There are also many accents which go with the English spoken in their countries of origin.

Since Patchwork is multiple spirits, each with their own voice, I propose that their main English-speaking voice be Irish in accent. To avoid stereotyping I suggest specifying that this accent be the fairly underrepresented north side Dublin accent. The other spirits accents could vary between various Irish, Welsh, and Scottish accents, implying that all the spirits come from the same geographical area. Especially ancient spirits housed within Southwick could speak a dialect of Gaulish or Old Irish, extinct forerunners to the languages above.

Individuals with these accents are often only represented through stereotype, so this addition to Southwick's lore would be meaningful, especially to Blaseball fans from these regions, of which there are a few.