Topic on Talk:Jaxon Buckley

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a jaxon buckley irm

Snerkus (talkcontribs)

i got an idea for one so here goes

Bigfoot Enthusiast

During their free time, Buckley devotes their time to their hobby, "Bigfoot Hunting". During these trips, which can last from a few days to several weeks, Buckley disappears into the many forests and valleys of Pennsylvania, accompanied only by their horse, Fletcher, and any friends or colleagues unfortunate enough to give it a go.

Buckley's "Skunk Ape" Kit consists of assorted camping gear, rations, revolver (loaded with store-bought firecrackers) and several trail cameras, including Buckley's custom made "underslung" trail camera, worn under the neck by Fletcher (A device Buckley claims lets them "really see what's coming"). Buckley's hunting gear is also aided by their "Deer piss flask", a small bottle of concentrated deer piss, used for disguising both Buckley and their companions scents as that of "A seriously ill deer". Though never intended as a hunting aid, Buckley credits the Deer Piss Flask to their late grandfather, whose portrait is engraved onto the bottle.

Despite Buckley's careful preparations, they have yet to record a definitive sighting of a Bigfoot, citing their wily and cautious nature, though they have recorded several verifiable tracks, calls, and spirit box encounters across their career , making them an expert among the "BF Hunter" community. Buckley has also recorded several accidental sightings of a "Loch Ness", and describes the encounters as "really not what I'm looking for".

Buckley's hobby is respected (and sometimes joined) by their fellow Blaseball players, most notably Lang Richardson, with whom Buckley discusses paranormal hunting techniques, and the late Jessica Telephone, who frequently engaged Buckley about the plausibility of "Bigfoot Weed" and "Bigfoot Liquor".

let me know what you think! also I don't think this needs any content warnings but uh, let me know, okay

FlowerCrab (talkcontribs)

As a peron who grew up with a hunter/trapper uncle who specialized in relocating, I have some logistical critiques about this to help make it more accurate to a trapper who is trying to take something alive: - firstly, deer piss would do nothing to help (Unless you're attracting animals who need to pee). If you're trying to attract a predator, you'll want some form of hydrated sinew, which is re-usable if hydrated and very tough and flexible. You'd want to put that on something metal and the predator will gnaw on it out of curiosity. - second, you'd not want a gun unless you're planning on killing. A much more effective scare tactic is skunk stink glands and firecrackers. A bit of skunk stink on a glove fools a lot of animals into thinking you're a skunk and they'll get sprayed and should stay back. And firecrackers are loud, bright, and scary, so it'll ward off angy bears, wolves and other scary things without leading to needless killing and would remove from the IRM any need for a possible CW for firearms. (You could also then make it a skunk stink flask instead of deer piss to keep around the story of the grandfather too)

My third critque is unrelated to the above, but why do they have a spirit box? Aren't those for monitoring ghosts? Are they trying to get records of ghost bigfoots? If so, that's rad and should be specified, but otherwise it seems like they don't know what they're doing and following that up with "making them an expert among the "Squatch Hunter" community" seems contradictory in a way.

Snerkus (talkcontribs)

Hi, This piece is intended to be comedic, not an accurate reflection of real squatch hunting; that said, I like the idea of firecrackers (they're inherently funny to me) so I might use that

FlowerCrab (talkcontribs)

Okay, but it should be more obviously a joke then? Like, make it a hobby they have but let the reader know this behavior is not, as you put it, "making them an expert" and saying they have "Careful preperations" unless you put it in quotations to imply the opposite, as it casts a bad light on everyone who practices any form of cryptozoology? And on a serious note if the entire point of this IRM is to laugh at deer piss and those who coat themselves in other animal excretions I have some bad news about how some biologists study quite a few animals. Jane Goodall did have to gain some early trust by covering herself in gorilla smells, including sweat, fur oils, and urine. If the point of this is to point and laugh at a group, please reconsider. If it's to express they're bad at a hobby but still enjoy it, make the entry itself use writing tricks to illustrate they're not good at the hobby. (PS: If you're gonna use the word revolver, please use a [CW: Firearms], ty)

Snerkus (talkcontribs)

Well, uh, being honest here I dunno how to respond to most of this so I'll give it my best shot! I have zero ill will towards sasquatch hunters or ape researchers, my intent was just to write something funny (and I've been informed by several people that I did). Frankly, I was under the impression that Bigfoots weren't real, and that I could pretty much say whatever I wanted about them. As for the revolver, the wiki currently doesn't list firearms at all in its guide to content warnings; if this changes, I will happily insert one.

FlowerCrab (talkcontribs)

To clarify: Bigfoots are yet to be proven real so say what you will about the cryptid itself, but also please have tact for talking about people who try to find it and people who research animals in general.

Dapp (talkcontribs)

i've been talking to samantha (below) separately and i'm now officially a sasquatch researcher and i'm happy to confirm that the sasquatch is real, but that the sasquatch researcher community has a generally pretty good sense of humour about this sort of thing; sometimes we come off a little prickly, but it's just because the thrill of the hunt overtakes us and we have to 'let our hair down' a little! ;) (little joke because sasquatches and yetis both have a lot of hair) anyway i'm hoping to go out to the mountains on a (safe, socially distanced) sasquatch expedition next weekend and i'd love to see this entry go up first, especially since it's got a little 'hairy' (another little joke!) on this talk page, so once again i'm Supporting this entry to be added as-is.

Samantha (talkcontribs)

I am concerned by the depiction of the sasquatch in this entry. First, the conflation of the sasquatch with the fictional creature "Bigfoot" is offensive to those of us who are truly interested in the study of this species. Second, as has been noted, these items would not be helpful in tracking actual sasquatch, and the inclusion of a gun in the context of the study of an endangered species is particularly troubling. Third, I recommend you research the actual habitat of the sasquatch--there have been no credible records of sasquatch near Pennsylvania. Finally, I don't understand the reference to "weed" and "liquor," but this reads uncomfortably close to the testing of substances on animals, which I hope would not be allowed in this community. If you truly wish to write a respectful entry of a player as a sasquatch researcher, please DM me and I will be happy to point you toward some reliable resources.

Dapp (talkcontribs)

thank you samantha very good and thoughtful points. could you share some information about sasquatch researchers because i have decided i want to become one immediately. the cryptozoologist community have been pushed around enough.

ElloElloEllo (talkcontribs)

Two things:

- I'm not really sure what beat the deer urine thing is intending to hit. They ineffectually cover themselves and others in urine? - Jessica Telephone isn't late, just alternated, and I feel like this should reference the specific JT IRM where she has that attitude towards substances. Also probably the recreational substance use CW.

Snerkus (talkcontribs)

Hi! The deer piss is a joke; I find the concept of a small glass bottle of deer urine very funny.

The late JT is also a joke, i truly forgot she had been alternated but I'll Consider hyperlinking to the relevant lang and jt lore.

As for the weed mention, I'm pretty sure that per the new guidelines this is only a mention and doesn't need to be tagged.


ElloElloEllo (talkcontribs)
  • As Flowercrab suggested above, I personally feel that something like a scent marking hits the same sort of humourous beat without the suggestion that Jaxon ineffectually covers people in urine. Not really sure how else to phrase it than it seems a little needlessly gross and makes Jaxon come across as either foolish or meanspirited.
  • Fair enough on the CW, I was cross-referencing the JT irm that has that CW for discussions of substances.
    • Regardless of that, and my suggestion that it links to that specific Jessica interpretation, the wiki policy does mention that character beats do need to be crossposted on the other players' talk page as well. I also do not really grasp the joke of saying a player is dead when they aren't.
Snerkus (talkcontribs)

I mainly didn't crosspost this because I'm referencing stuff that's already up on the wiki (one of which I uh, wrote myself) but yeah I'll crosspost it because this is proving, uh, to be far more contentious than I ever expected it to be, lol.

Snerkus (talkcontribs)

update: i crossposted it

Dapp (talkcontribs)

to your first point, arent foolish / meanspirited characters a classic comic conceit? for example, Mr. Bean is often getting into hijinks and foolishness, often for personal gain, and nobody would deny the hilarity he's bought to our screens across multiple television shows and hit movies.

similarly, the humour of many classic Mr Bean sketches is predicated upon a misunderstanding or an obvious misreading of reality, a technique known as 'dramatic irony'. as an accomplished thespian, Rowan Atkinson expertly portrays a man whose foolishness leads him to believe, for example, that he is being a good boyfriend to his partner by buying her a portrait she seemed to be admiring, when in actual fact it is clear to us (the audience) that Irma Gobb was trying to hint that he should propose to her. this classic bit of comedy ('Merry Christmas, Mr. Bean', air date 29 December 1992) is predicated on a misunderstanding not so distant from the one you've referred to here, where the piece suggests Jessica Telephone has died, when we know she hasn't.

needless to say, the unrivalled comic chops of Mr. Bean rarely get the recognition they deserve, and i'd recommend all visitors to this page take the time to check out the original 15-episode run and the two hit movies which followed it, to say nothing of the myriad appearances in other pieces of media and the successful animated series which followed.

i hope this has addressed your point!

Nesblitt (talkcontribs)

Moderation note: Dapp has been issued a temporary ban for multiple community guideline violations.

Dapp (talkcontribs)

i think this is really good as is and would support adding it

SlappyMcGee (talkcontribs)

Funny article. The only note I have is to maybe alter the term "Sasquatch" to be consistently "Bigfoot" throughout the article, for both consistency and to pay respect to First Nations for which the term "Sasquatch" is an anglicization of the Salish term "Sasq’ets". Otherwise, I thought it was lovely.

Snerkus (talkcontribs)

Yeah, I was hesitant to use it at all because of that, I'll look into some alternative (and honestly, probably funnier) terms

Snerkus (talkcontribs)

Ok everyone my wiki rep told me I've been given permission to post this to Jaxon's page, so I have. Please continue to submit feedback if you want, because this piece has been far more contentious than I ever imagined it could be.

Snerkus (talkcontribs)

Hm, I definitely made what I thought was all the necessary pages but it's not showing up yet, weird. I'm uhhhh just gonna hope Time fixes this somehow lol