Topic on Talk:Aldon Cashmoney III

From Blaseball Wiki

The Tigers received III as their second replica of the season 19.

  • Nicknamed Thrashmoney, Allldon, Altres
  • Aldon III resembles the original, but is more of a puppet/facsimile. Wears eye-searing 90s windbreakers, tracksuits, and heelies, dollar bill hair in box braids. Phoenix wings, like II.
  • The Tigers used lessons learned from II in interacting with III, and helped vim feel at home sooner, knowing that ve is not the original and it is not fair to treat vim in that way.
  • Complex relationship with II - fraught at first due to III seeing in II what the future holds (degradation) and II having an uncomfortable reminder that ve is not the original. The two of them worked things out over time and developed a very close friend/mentorship, though always the undercurrent remained.
  • This does not stop them from imitating/impersonating each other to pull pranks on the team. They also got matching tattoos in solidarity, knowing this will be the only time they ever get to play together.
  • The farewell for the Aldons II and III was a ride in the styx wiggler on maximum wiggle.
  • Nicholas Mora is surprisingly kind - at least by Mora standards - to III, seeing in vim something very reminiscent of Frasier Shmurmgle, a puppet doomed to have a short life.
  • Aldons lorejam doc: