Topic on Talk:Allan Kranch

From Blaseball Wiki

Here is the first draft for Allan Kranch's lore that I've put together, including a blurb on their grand slam at the end of this season.


Allan Kranch was a notorious pirate that sailed in the Boston waters in the early 1700s, pillaging and harassing the Massachusetts coast, until they passed in their midlife. In an ironic twist of fate, this powerful sailor was reincarnated as an incredibly long-lived crawfish that lived in the Boston fens until the present day. Their identity is currently shared with a water elemental that is derived from the Boston fens as well. The two of them are now in the process of figuring out how to adapt to modern-day life, all through the lens of the splort they share together. The pair prefer to be referred to as one being and go by they/them. The elemental side’s voice is nothing more than the sound of bubbling water, so they communicate using sign language. The crawdad has a human voice with an Irish accent.

Joining the Flowers

When Hiroto Cerna was incinerated in Season 17, the Boston Garden’s frustration and pain at losing another player to the Rogue Umpires caused it to manifest its anger in the form of a water elemental in the Fens. Part of its creation process caused the crawfish form of Allan Kranch to be sucked up into the elemental’s body. The two agreed to share this watery form, and sloshed their way to the Boston ballpark, where the Flowers discovered their new player and graciously allowed them to join the team. The elemental part of Allan catches in the outfield, and the crawfish bats.

Relationship Between the Parts

Most fans are unsure whether both the elemental and the crawfish are both Allan Kranch, whether the crawfish considers itself Allan and the elemental considers itself Kranch, or whether the crawfish is just Allan Kranch and the elemental is considered someone else entirely. The pair have always chosen to answer this question a different way each time, adding to the confusion. The two are close, even though they sometimes squabble. The crawfish doesn’t know much about Blaseball, so the elemental teaches them, while the elemental learns about social norms from their partner. 18th-century social norms, granted, but social norms all the less.

Time With the Flowers

In Day 94 of Season 18, Allan Kranch hit their first-ever grand slam against the Atlantis Georgias and their pitcher Jan Canberra. In the Bottom of the 8th with two outs, the blases filled after a walk and a pair of Singles put together by Lenny Spruce, Margarito Nava, and Scores Baserunner. When Kranch came to bat, they only took one strike looking before blasting it out of the Gardens to score four runs. When approached for comment on the event, Crawfish!Kranch said, “I’m really enjoying my place here with the Flowers, and I’m glad to do my part. Hitting that Grand Clam -- er, Slam -- was exciting. I think it shows that I’ve come a long way from being just a 300-year old pirate reincarnated as a crawfish.” Fen!Kranch signed their agreement and added, It feels good to be part of something bigger like this; a lot like being part of the ecosystem back home. Always a fun experience. Great game too.

Feel free to add suggestions or thoughts; this is just a draft of what I put together from the Flowers discussion, so I'm sure it could use some polishing.